Though one may have felt left in the lurch
When "triple-A" bonds lost their perch,
The best self-defense
Is still common sense,
And one's own, independent research.
Humorous Poems on the Dismal Science of Economics and the Dismaler Art of Politics
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ratings Week IV
Barney Frank made a stern ultimatum:
"Bond arrangers and the analysts who rate 'em
Should sever relations
That involve compensation
Since the agencies serve those who pay them."
"Bond arrangers and the analysts who rate 'em
Should sever relations
That involve compensation
Since the agencies serve those who pay them."
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ratings Week III
"I admit," said an analyst from Fitch,
"We've enabled some banks to grow rich,
But a hard-line position
In this competition
Would only induce them to switch."
"We've enabled some banks to grow rich,
But a hard-line position
In this competition
Would only induce them to switch."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ratings Week II
Said the banker: "My friend, It occurs to me
That you seem just like Standard and Poor's to me;
Though your scruples are real,
In pursuit of a deal
You would give up a wee bit of yours to me."
That you seem just like Standard and Poor's to me;
Though your scruples are real,
In pursuit of a deal
You would give up a wee bit of yours to me."
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ratings Week I
A CDO analyst from Moody's
Confessed: "I've neglected my duties.
We'll soon be downgrading
Some triple-A ratings
When everyone sees that we blew these."
Confessed: "I've neglected my duties.
We'll soon be downgrading
Some triple-A ratings
When everyone sees that we blew these."
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A New Low
Announced Commerce: "US inflation's
The lowest in two generations."
In recession so deep,
Our labor is cheap,
Which is no cause for wild celebrations.
The lowest in two generations."
In recession so deep,
Our labor is cheap,
Which is no cause for wild celebrations.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Intra-European Wealth Transfer
Says Herr Pöhl, ex-Bundesbank president,
"This bailout's akin to embezzlement.
Greek tycoons and French banks
Owe my countrymen thanks
For this really regrettable precedent."
"This bailout's akin to embezzlement.
Greek tycoons and French banks
Owe my countrymen thanks
For this really regrettable precedent."
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
In too deep?
The story of deepwater drilling
Is laden with dangers quite chilling;
Says BP's Tony Hayward:
"Our safety, though wayward,
Will hereafter get the top billing."
Is laden with dangers quite chilling;
Says BP's Tony Hayward:
"Our safety, though wayward,
Will hereafter get the top billing."
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Why Does the Greek Crisis Matter?
Josef Ackermann deftly explained
Why Greece has the markets so strained:
Like a wellhead that leaks,
A default by the Greeks
Could probably not be contained.
Why Greece has the markets so strained:
Like a wellhead that leaks,
A default by the Greeks
Could probably not be contained.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Perfect Game
Wall Street's "too big to fail" titans
Had a quarter so good that it frightens;
On the trading parquet,
They made money each day -
Is it rigged? Incredulity heightens...
Had a quarter so good that it frightens;
On the trading parquet,
They made money each day -
Is it rigged? Incredulity heightens...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Happy Limerick Day!
The limerick started with Lear,
Who could tell us, if he were still here,
That the soul of good wit
Is to carefully fit
In five lines all one needs to make clear.
Thanks to Edward Lear, born on this day in 1812, who first popularized the limerick form in his 1846 Book of Nonsense.
Who could tell us, if he were still here,
That the soul of good wit
Is to carefully fit
In five lines all one needs to make clear.
Thanks to Edward Lear, born on this day in 1812, who first popularized the limerick form in his 1846 Book of Nonsense.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dear Uncle Sam...
Fannie Mae wrote the Treasury a letter
For a bailout that's eight billion better;
Although Fannie and Fred
Were both presumed dead,
It turns out she's quite a bit debtor.
For a bailout that's eight billion better;
Although Fannie and Fred
Were both presumed dead,
It turns out she's quite a bit debtor.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Post Mortem on the Dow's 1000-Point Drop
Said CFTC Chairman Gensler
To Geithner, "Are we among friends, sir?
(I'd like to say how
They whipsawed the Dow,
But I really don't think that I can, sir.)"
To Geithner, "Are we among friends, sir?
(I'd like to say how
They whipsawed the Dow,
But I really don't think that I can, sir.)"
Friday, May 7, 2010
Diagnosing the Dow's Dizzy Drop
Some bankers developed a cough,
Which an I.T. snafu
Turned into swine flu,
And a feverish market sold off.
(Acronym alert: PIGS = Portugal, Italy/Ireland, GREECE and Spain)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Happiness is Just Around the Corner
An economist wanted to teach
What the prophets purported to preach:
With material gains,
Satisfaction remains
Elusively just out of reach.
Thanks to Real Time Economics, for illuminating the economics of happiness through the work of Prof. Richard Easterlin.
What the prophets purported to preach:
With material gains,
Satisfaction remains
Elusively just out of reach.
Thanks to Real Time Economics, for illuminating the economics of happiness through the work of Prof. Richard Easterlin.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Questions, Fundamental & Technical
"Dad," asked the girl with a frown,
"Why are bond prices up, and yields down?"
"In a bull market trend,
"Why are bond prices up, and yields down?"
"In a bull market trend,
One will likely expend
More pence for that guaranteed Pound." "Mom," asked the boy with a frown,
"What makes equities hop up and down?"
"Earnings releases,
And stock-picking theses
With words from wise men of renown."
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Great Financial Crises I: "The Trouble Stops Here"
Among Wall Street's Croesian bosses,
J.P. Morgan stood tall as Colossus;
He laid down the law
With the clench of his jaw,
And the point of his purple proboscis. In the 1907 collapse,
Mr. Morgan saved Wall Street perhaps;
He commanded the banks
To pay up and close ranks
With a contract he dropped in their laps.
Before they created the Fed,
Mr. Morgan did not fear to tread;
With an effort titanic
He stemmed a bank panic:
"The trouble stops here," Morgan said.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Greek Debt Crisis, Explained
That toppled the Greeks on their backs:
Every third Greek today
Works for government pay,
And the rest are evading their tax.