The Austrian School is at pains
To hinder that stimulus reigns,
But to make matters worse
They're bested in verse,
For much less rhymes with Hayek than Keynes.
A little-known stock chart formation
Claims to presage a market deflation;
Did the ominous name
Bring the "Omen" to fame,
Or is there a true correlation?
Though recov'ry was said to depend on
The sales of old homes that banks lend on,
They collapsed in a rout
When the tax break ran out,
And revealed an Achilleus tendon.
To gainfully utilize labor,
Export nations play "Beggar Thy Neighbor;"
While the deficit spenders,
Resenting their lenders,
May rattle the trade-tariff saber.
Thanks to Prof. Michael Pettis of Peking University (no, that's not a typo) for his timely comment in the FT.
Bill Radke of Marketplace Radio featured Dr. Goose (or his alter ego, David Lefkovits) on the Marketplace Minute. Round One of the Limerick Smackdown goes to Goose, er.. Lefkovits, but look out for Round Two!
When Intel announced they'd buy McAfee,
The market reacted with apathy:
With mass unemployment,
More PC deployment
Looks doubtful, despite being hacker-free.
In the Gulf, the first catch from the boaters
Was endorsed by the Prez to the voters,
Though contrarians stressed:
"You may want to test
For things with no taste or strong odors."
If the dollar's debased and inflated,
Then the gold bugs appear to have made it;
But if, like Japan,
Our "lost decade's" at hand,
Then the gilded is quite overrated.
Said a well-economically-versed one,
"I see bubbles and I've got to burst one:
The one way we'll skip
The next double dip
Is we never got over the first one."
With apologies to David Rosenberg of Gluskin Sheff as seen in The Big Interview with Kelly Evans of the Wall Street Journal.
The economist Kotlikoff fretted:
"We don't realize how much we're indebted.
When you add FICA, then
It's doubled again;
Is America solvent? Forget it!"
"Those directors are dopes - no embellishin'!" Says Oracle chief Larry Ellison.
"For the sake of PC,
They've damaged HP,
Which the shareholders cannot be relishin'."
"After proofing each check and gratuity,
We've determined beyond ambiguity:
Your expenses look funny,
If none of this money
Was meant to pursue promiscuity."
In discussing employment statistic'ly
Economists measure holistic'ly;
When the news is depressing,
They're sure to be stressing
The parts that read more optimistic'ly.
Further Fannie Mae bailouts, admittedly,
In the billions may seem like stupidity,
But less welcome, perhaps,
Is the market collapse
That would follow withdraw'l of liquidity.
At the Labor Department they noted,
"Compensation expenses are bloated."
Replied Commerce to that,
"Workers' wages are flat."
...And Aetna declined to be quoted.
"We argued, when banks appeared strong, That more capital was needless and wrong, But we changed this impression In the current recession, Which more capital, we claimed, would prolong."
"Deflation is viewed with frivolity
By many in Washington's polity,
But if prices are sinking,
We'll stock up, I'm thinking,
On Treasury bonds of high quality."