
Monday, May 16, 2011

L'Affaire DSK

A maid whose hotel greatly trusted her
Once confronted a sight that disgusted her,
And beat a retreat
From a luxury suite,
When an IMF package was thrust at her.

In a case that recalls the feudal practice of droit de seigneur, in which the lord of the manor was entitled to the favors of his female serfs, the worlds of politics and finance were rocked on the weekend by the news that Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Monetary Fund and a front-runner in the upcoming French presidential race, was arrested in the first class cabin of an Air France jet at JFK airport for the attempted rape of a chambermaid at the Sofitel New York. In a stroke, this development has roiled not only French politics, but also the negotiations over the bailouts of Greece and Ireland as well as the leadership of the IMF itself.


  1. KAHN Soon to be EX?

    French money man Kahn, both a spouse and a dad,
    was plucked from First Class for a sexual bad.
    But his boneheaded antics they’ll owe to semantics:
    T’was le Room Service to the cad.

  2. Politesse dictates "room attendant" and not "chambermaid". Although the term "housemen" still seems ok...

  3. The lustful attempts of Strauss-Kahn
    Did not go according to plan.
    Aging flesh noncompliant
    Reduced this French giant
    To a groping degenerate old man.
